Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Thank You, my Lord for always taking care of me
For creating me just the way I am
For the comfort and satisfaction I find, in the simplest of things
For a beauty that's natural and exudes from deep within
For pleasure and peace in everything that pleases You
For the Faith of Islam that You have gifted me
For all that I am
For all that I ever aspire to be
For my sins that You have kept hidden
And for my imperfections that You overlook
You are indeed full of Grace
O the Gracious One!

I thank You for all Your endless blessings on me
I thank You for all that I am
I thank You for giving me a chance to life
To live, to learn, to laugh, to cry
To err, to repent, to fall, to rise
To grow, to know, to see, to feel
I thank You for all You have made of me
I thank You for this gift of life
Above all - the gift of knowing You and striving for You

Thank You for this gift
Please make me worthy of Your Pleasure
That I may meet You in peace and smiles
That I didn't waste my life my time
In matters that bring no benefit in the end
Whether through whining
Or envy
Or sadness
Or every other evil quality

So I rise and smile
As I appreciate all I've got through You
Taking my steps
Trusting that You'll guide me
And You will take care of me
Because You are my Rabb
Thank You for everything, O my Lord
Forgive me when I whine.

Trust Allah

Heart blank.
Wonder races.
Allah knows best
When all strength is exhausted
And hope seems so far away
Life feels on a standstill
And it feels like all your dreams are crashing down
Hold good thoughts about your Lord
Be patient.

Perhaps what you need is close your eyes
Listen to your heart and trust Allah
Take that step, and follow your instincts
Perhaps there's something you'd find
Perhaps that's exactly where Allah is leading you to

It's okay to cry
It's okay to grieve
But if it's from Allah
Then there is no need to cry or grieve
Because He'll take care of you
Perhaps He'll bring back to you those shattered dreams
Perhaps He'll bring back to you what you thought was lost
One thing you must always know is
He is with you!


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh!!!!!

Everyone needs a soul's companion, an understanding heart to help us know sometimes that we are not alone, and that there are so many others like us, in similar situations to ours, scattered around the world. It's a great delight finding others like ourselves who feel the same way we do, and knowing that if we reach out to one another's hearts, we would go a long way in helping each other achieve our greatest purpose in life. I hope to share with you my thoughts and reflections. And in the end, I pray we all live a fulfilled life with a happy ending in Paradise. Ameen!

My name is Khawlah. I am a Nigerian born-Muslimah who lives mostly an indoor life, although sweetly loves people very much. I love all that has to do with reflections, nature's beauty, writing, moments, love, lifetime friendships, purpose, Islam, Sunnah, seclusion/solitude, inspiration, etc. I am much of the shy quiet one in gatherings, but very good at making friends individually. 

So walk with me, as I share my titbits on this Journey I call 'life'. This life to me is a journey, and we all have our struggles as well as victories. No one is ever fully there. We are all struggling with something. There is no such perfect person. We are beautiful in our imperfections. We are even more beautiful when we strive and fight especially from within us, for what we dream or believe. I strongly believe in this saying that "What comes from the heart stirs hearts". So perhaps when I share my heart, someone out there will find the strength to reconnect with their deepest truest self, rediscovering their lost smiles, courage, hope and Deen. Once again, I hope and pray that we all live a fulfilled life with a happy ending in Jannah (Paradise). Ameen! Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh (May the Peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon YOU).