Thursday, April 14, 2016


Too many times we make duas strongly and passionately, secretly expecting the response to come swiftly and magically. But the funniest part is after that moment when we make the dua, we wait a little bit, look around expecting something miraculous to happen regarding what we prayed for. Sadly we find 'NOTHING'. Nothing happens! And this only widens the hole in our heart. We then forget about the dua and move on with our lives, struggling as always. But then all of a sudden, out of the blue, when we least expect, something happens and pwoosh! Here is what we asked for in front of us. Our duas had been heard. This is it! Awwwww how beautiful Allah is! Allahu Akbar!

So most of the time, our request won't be granted to us immediately, right on the spot. Probably Allah wants us to wait a little bit more, or ask a little bit more, or strive towards it a little bit more, or take our minds completely off it while we focus on more important things in our lives. Whatever the reason for this delay may be, the waiting period is always the most beneficial for us. It is a period of utter grooming and preparation for what is to come which you aren't aware of. A period of testing your faith in the One you are asking from (HIM). A period of practising resilience, being back to your real faithful self after the pain and difficulties encountered.

It is that period when you pray and pray as hard as you can for your desires, so you keep waiting and waiting for an answer from Him. For acceptance. You wait for a long time, yet nothing. The tension is killing. Thoughts - crazy thoughts - racing through your little mind about why you are not getting any answer, any acceptance. It then comes to a time when your mind feels blank, hope feels far and your body so weak in utter Surrender that perhaps it would not be. Perhaps this is your fate and it has been sealed. Perhaps you can never get acceptance to that dua that you made. In that moment, you fall into despair of Allah's mercy. Remember, none despairs in the mercy of Allah except those who disbelieve.

It's been taught to us time and time again that this is a test, and Allah can grant our wish in a blink of an eye or less. Yet He chooses not to. Because He wants to test our faith, our resilience, our full trust in Him. Of course we have read and heard this over again that it's become cliché in our ears. But you must remember that nothing can free your heart other than the knowledge that:
- All things belong to Allah, we own nothing.
- It's all the delights of this world.
- He wants us to take everything away from our hearts and face only Him.
- He wants us to achieve something better in our lives before the pleasure of what we are asking for.
- He wants us to learn how to trust Him.
And so much more.. 

Falling Into Place...
Sometimes when it seems like things are falling apart and nothing seems right or makes sense anymore. The little you have left is crumbling all over. In reality, they may actually be falling into place. Perhaps there were a lot of things wrong with something, and He decides to crumble it all down. So that He can rebuild it for us again and it becomes something way better than what we lost. No wonder why it's amazing how what you thought was lost actually comes back to you, even in a much better way/state. Allah is the One Who will never let us down. And He needs nothing from us. Believe in Him and trust Him.

It's Painful!
Yes waiting is painful. Having patience is painful. Keeping faith is painful. But trust that whatever you are going through presently is actually what you NEED. Whereever you are at is exactly where you need to be. Just as the struggles of a butterfly to emerge from its cocoon on its own is exactly what it needs to aid its flight, our struggles, prayers and pains are exactly what we need to be strengthened  before Allah grants our wishes. Perhaps we'd need this strength once our request has been granted. This waiting  doesn't mean He hates us or has abandoned us, it's a sign of His deep love for us. He loves us enough to toughen us and strengthen our resistance to certain things in life, and our resilience to trust in Him and feel okay in spite of everything. Yes waiting hurts but perhaps having what you are praying for right now would hurt worse. He has your life all planned out. While it may not be so comfortable or delightful, this is exactly what you need at this point of your life. Because you have a bigger destiny than just the vain pleasures of this world. He only wants a happy Ending for you. So trust Him. He has heard your cry. And He will never let you return your raised hands to yourself without answering you.

This waiting will be worth it!
One thing I have always observed about waiting is that what you are asking for and expecting is actually only getting better. It's like Allah is holding it back from you in order to perfect it for you and when your mind is off it, He gives it to you pwooah! It's like a surprise package heheh. While holding on and being patient in not giving up is difficult, know deep down in your heart, that this waiting would be worth it. Let this be enough to make you smile. Yes it's scary! Damn frightening! Because a lot of thoughts keep coming to your mind especially from the accursed Shaitan and you try so hard to shut them off. Once again, just assure yourself and believe confidently that this waiting will be worth it. Because you believe in Allah, and you truly and sincerely know Him. So no silly waswas of Shaitan will break you down. Believe me, this waiting will be worth it. So don't be upset or fall into despair when you pray to Allah and nothing happens instantaneously. It was never meant to be magic. That's why it's called du'a (invocation). And He will answer you. If you believe in Allah, wallahi in the end, you will smile...

"And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright." (Surah AlBaqarah 2:186)

"Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, "When (will come) the Help of Allah?" Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!" (AlBaqara 2:214)

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