Tuesday, July 19, 2016


I have always been a 'buried-within-myself' kind of person. I realize that while it is natural to be emotional, I am often hyperemotional. I focus too much on my emotions. My feelings. I feel this. I feel that. But seriously happiness in life goes beyond just 'feelings'. Being overly centred on your own feelings and self blinds you from noticing others' feelings and struggles too. When I focus too much on the comfort of my feelings,  I forget that others have needs too. A need for help whatsoever. But my self-absorption sinks me into a pit of loneliness (even amongst people) and unfulfilment. I realize that happiness isn't really about what others do for you and how comfortable you are. True happiness comes when you come out of yourself, perhaps your shell, to be able to see the world around you, in a whole new light, and extend a helping hand in anyway you can. Chances are, you'll find more than what you've been looking for. It's not about waiting on others hand and foot. It's about extending yourself beyond your shell to contribute to a better world. Of course doing this with a sincere intention to please your Lord, makes it more than worthwhile. Be yourself. Don't take on more than you can do. But be of help to the world around you. Be a light.


Monday, July 4, 2016

Been A While....

Been a while since I came here. I've been like a vanishing one most of the time. I feel great but i m trying to catch up with the fast pace of life. Ramadan came and I was ready to make the best of it, enthusiasm to be better. To attain piety, just as the month is meant for. Now the blessed month is saying bye-bye, yet I wonder how much I have changed. Of course some things have improved in me, but I can't really say I've become a whole new person. I just hope that those little ibaadat are accepted and He includes me and you among the righteous and successful ones. Ameen!

I tried to blog since the beginning of Ramadan, but apparently Allah didn't will it. I keep writing. Journaling though. I keep reflecting on life and actions. Trying to be a truly good person. And I keep wondering how the little we do today affect our tomorrow. In the end, the question is: "Is Allah pleased with me?".

Life and it's journey. It ends one day. But before then is a series of stage to stage. I am a simple hearted girl. As much as I am growing everyday, I still feel like a girl. The girl who is already in the womanhood realm yet finds it odd to fully accept that she is a woman now. Yea it's funny how we grow. But yes life goes on. We move from stage to stage. I wonder what kind of a woman I'm going to be. 

It's been a while since I sat by myself and just smile and reminisce about my life. It's been a while since I had fun just by myself. I've been busy with my mind preoccupied over màny other things. I am just me. Hoping to be loved by Allah. People say I am delicate and fragile. While they may not be wrong, I still marvel at how Allah keeps me strong with a strong will. While I feel far from the world, I know my Lord is with me.

To be a noble woman has always been my dream. But heck, nobility is not easy. I still keep wondering about what kind of legacy I'm gonna leave behind after I'm gone. And what benefits others enjoy through me long after I'm gone. Have I been doing all I really need to do to achieve my dream? Perhaps life's going so fast and it's hard to catch up. But the little I can, I'm trying.

In case you are wondering what I'm talking about and why I sound strange (if you think I do). Yea this is Khawlah. Always reflecting about the wholeness of life...